Oh, my, where to start? How about a little randomness? I'm a member of a local AP mom email group, which has been a pretty good source of information on things like natural-minded pediatricians, etc. Every once in a while a mom will share that she's getting rid of cloth diapers or that she wants a partner for a co-op, that type of thing. Well, the latest cloth diaper advertisement caught my eye, because the mom was selling her gently used FuzziBunz for at least half off retail price--that's a GREAT deal, and I really love them. (We just have a few large sized and Bunkin and Bear can both wear them; at this age, they're just a lot easier than prefolds [especially since I lost my Snappis], and with Bunkin's rash of rashes [ha!] lately, the microfleece liner keeps him dry and is soft without chemicals sitting on his skin. All that being said, I love them!) She was selling 7 small size, and I told her I was interested. She invited me to her home to look through all her leftover diapers. She lives about 30 minutes from us, and let's just say I got terribly, terribly lost on the way to her house. And the GPS in my phone was not working that particular day (grrrrrr) and she hadn't given me a home phone number, just her address. Just when I figured all my time was lost and I'd have to drive until I could ask for directions, I saw The Woolie Ewe. I even recognized it because it's where I bought my latest yarn for my friend's recent baby arrival (they are the closest yarn shop to where we live). I had to stop in... you know, for directions! Well, let me just say I walked away with a crazy deal, but still spent way more money than I ought to have. I bought this gorgeous angora yarn made by Classic Elite called Lush, and it is indeed one of the most luxurious and luscious fibers I have ever touched, and the Ravelry raves have been extremely positive on how wonderful it is to knit (though, apparently, it sheds like crazy). Very exciting. I even have a sweater in mind. Oh, and just for the record, I did end up finding her house and buying some cloth diapers, though not the Fuzzibunz I'd set out for. She was asking a bit more than I'd hoped, and after spending money at the yarn store, I felt I got a much better deal with some of her infant fitted diapers and contour diapers that I'd been wanting to try. Bear and Bunkin had so much fun playing with her 5 and 1 year old sons, so it was a trip well worth it all around!
And of course, as you can see from my yarn picture, I'm still in love with my new fabric for Bear's quilt. In fact, the night I originally posted about it, I cut out all my 3" and 6" squares. I can't believe I made the math part so difficult! Just cutting it was so much easier! Tonight I cut out the 9" squares, and thanks to Hunny, we got a picture of a layout that makes me very happy. It is so bright and so colorful, and it was so cute watching Hunny poring over the layout to make sure there wasn't too much "color clumping" going on! I'm so excited about this quilt (and I'm sorry I keep saying that!).
And of course, Phineas had to "own" my newly cut out fabric pieces, and was not happy about me trying to shoo him off! Love those legs, Hunny!
After my long evening of cutting and arranging, I was ready for a break, and thanks to our trip to Central Market today, I had the perfect snack waiting for me:
Don't worry; I didn't actually drink the Lambic OR eat the Lindor Balls... they were very tempting, though!! (G, that cheese is divine; It's a New York triple cream cheese; I'll find the name for you--it was heaven and the very reason I'll not be a vegan!)
Last, but not least, I have two superfluous Cute Baby photos... I mean, this post doesn't have nearly enough photos just yet, does it? :) Here is Bunkin wearing the sweater I made; ignore that it's a girl sweater and obviously too small. I wish he were looking at the camera so you could see how pretty his blue eyes are, but clearly Desitin is waaaay more interesting! (Don't you just want to cuddle those rolls!)
One more, because he's just so stinking cute Well, I've had a blast being crafty and showing off, but I have an EARLY doctor's appointment tomorrow and it's after midnight... Off to bed!!!
yay for good deals on diapers and trying new kinds:)
that quilt is going to be beautiful!!
You have a very artistic spirit :)
Terrye in FL
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