Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Being still and quiet

I remember my sweet friend Brownie and I having a conversation about nursing after our firstborns had arrived, the gist being that nursing forced us to stop for a minute, stop whatever hectic-ness might be going on around us, because that was best for Baby. And it's true. There have been times when I most certainly have NOT appreciated the brakes on a project when Bunkin needs comfort or food, but in really having to sit down and focus on this sweet act of nutrition (both physical and emotional), I am better able to enjoy my baby, enjoy my role as udder Mommy. The extra experience I now have with two has helped me appreciate how short this time lasts, although having a demanding toddler and a little one has its challenges as well. We've all been sick this week, and both boys have subsequently been extra needy and extra cuddly, giving me many moments where I've had to just BE. Be Mommy. Be hugs. Be comfort. Be food. And all of this whether I felt like it or not. I've had many chances at being still, something I struggle with sometimes. At one point, as I was nursing Bunkin and he was just holding on, I knew that no matter what, I didn't want to be anywhere else at that moment. Definitely not cleaning the dishes, folding the laundry, or even browsing the Internet. I am grateful for the built-in timer that God has given me as a mommy to stop and be still and to know that he is God, Father, for how can I not see Him in the gifts he has given me, especially as I gaze at my children? And just for the record, the breast isn't the only way to stop and bond, it's just the one I have right now. And also for the record, I do not feel as mushy-gushy about nursing when I have a little piranha biting me or keeping me awake all night!


Mellie_Blogs said...

mmmm reminds me of the good old days..... : )

Anonymous said...

I hope you all feel much better a.s.a.p. I also want you to know that I stopped this evening to enjoy nursing for all it is worth because of this post. Thank you for reminding me to slow down and enjoy it. It was so sweet. I love you! ~Brownie

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Awww, very sweet

Alison said...

awwww...this totally took me back to the sweet moments I spent nursing my daughter. What a wonderful post.

Biz said...

God gave me this when mine were little: God loves me unconditionally, patiently and without wrath, that is how I am to love my children. This post made me think of that.