5 Minutes for Mom is hosting their annual and awesome blog party for mom bloggers (and readers) everywhere! Last year, I hardly knew what I was doing since I'd only been blogging for a couple of months, but I still had so much fun and met so many great ladies--some of whom I now consider great virtual friends! Please, go check out 5 Minutes for Mom; there's even an awesome prize list, something for everyone!!
Of all the fabulous prizes to win, I'd love to win #7 Ergo Baby carrier by A Giveaway Addicted Mommy, #19 $50 Target gift card by Shoot-Me-Now, and #118 Old Navy gift card byManic Mother as my top 3 picks. If those are taken, I'd appreciate #2, 21, 22, 28, 30, 49, 50, 52, 91, and 106 in any order, or gifts relavant to young babies/toddlers.
I absolutely LOVE to entertain, and have been known to host dinner parties that absolutely stress me out! I wish I could say I were hosting a shin-dig like this one but sadly, you're more likely to get this right now.
Life can be kind of busy as a stay at home mom to two toddler boys with one on the way! When I'm not chasing Bear and Bunkin around, I can be found knitting, reading, catching up on my DVR'd shows, obsessing over quilting (which I've yet to begin), and in general wasting time being productive on the computer!
While you're nibbling on yummy fruit, let me tell you a little about myself and my idiosyncrasies. I'm a sort-of crunchy mama who is interested in cloth diapering, babywearing and breastfeeding, but who also has plenty of Kraft and plastic toys in my house; we do what works for us! I would love to consider myself a domestic diva, but frankly, I'm just as likely to be wearing Hunny's t-shirts and PJ pants while puttering around the house! (I'm also a mixture of wannabe organized and downright messy, though to be fair, I'd love it to be clean and neat all the time!) I'm a poultry-eating vegetarian because of my recent Diabetes diagnosis (I need the protein), and I'm proud to be married to my Beautiful vegan Hunny. I absolutely love to knit and have recently gotten obsessed intrigued with quilting. (I worry it might go against my whole frugal mindset because there are some amazing fabrics out there.) So, in short, I'm kinda crunchy, kinda disheveled, kinda crafty, and above all, grateful for my sweet family.
If you want to know more about , check out my 100 Things List I wrote for last year's UBP or just browse around my blog; I'd love to get to know you, so leave me a comment so I can stop by your blog! Thanks for coming!
SORT OF crunchy?!!! Hee hee. Keep telling yourself that. SORT OF. Snort. But you aren't judgmental about those of us who pack landfills with our store-bought diapers. And that's what I love about you!
Thanks for poppin' by my blog! Crunchy, huh? Is that like crunchy peanut butter vs. creamy peanut butter? Crunchy has character. Embrace it! :D Love that people other than myself are craft-obsessed. I would love to learn to quilt, but sadly cannot afford another crafty addiction right now. Thanks for the fruit! Party on!! :D
I'm SORT of crunchy, too. I know what you mean. I'm not a vigilante, I just want to do right by my family. I never got into the cloth diapers (but I wanted to!) and I breastfed (but not for a whole year so I used formula too) and I had a baby wrap, but only for my 3rd. So see? SORTA. ;) I may be joining you on the poultry eating vegan thing soon. I've been finding myself less and less interested in meat - except chicken. Well, and bacon. I guess I have to give that up first. =P Anywho, thanks for the fruit - I love fruit trays!
(You know, I drove through your area on Monday to go get the girls' beds on the north side of Dallas. I thought of you.) :) laters!
Came over for the party!
Happy Blogging!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your right, we have a lot in common, so I will be back again for sure. :) Happy partying!
Hi there! Thanks for popping over in my happy you did!
Gotta love having another tree-hugger in my group of friends....this coming from a cloth diapering, baby wearing, select vax-ing, co sleeping, crunchy Jesus Hippie Freak!
maybe I just scared you off!
I have a prize for one of my tees that promotes all that crunchy's prize #USC64
Talk soon!
Hi Misty! Nice to meet you! I love proverbs 31! I am a seller of purple. Party on!
Hi there! Thank for visiting my blog today. The fruit looks so yummy by the way. ;) I'm very much like you in that I do "crunchy" things that work best with my family. Even doing one thing helps, ya know? Have fun partying!
Gret to meet you! You definitely have to do what works for you and your family. :D WE're partially crunchy, too. :D
Happy partying! Thanks for stopping by!
Hehehe....sorta crunchy. I love it!
Oh, and ignore my last e-mail to you. There have only been TWO Misty's that have graced my blog. Did you get a new e-mail address?? I didn't recognize it! LOL
Hi, Crunchy Mama. I'm Aunt LoLo, and I'm an idiot. ;-) Happy UBP!
happy UBP'09!
thanks for stopping by my blog.
i'm obsessed with knitting and i have a HUGE stash of fabric. search online for some great deals! good luck
Hi, Misty!
I was ultra Birkenstock/granola/cloth-diapers until 9 days after the twins were born. I bought a pack of plastic di-dies and never looked back! lol
I love the concept of quilting, too, and have a really great project almost started. Ah, someday when I have free time!
Until then, I'm glad you stopped by over at my blog and hope you'll come back soon!
Have a blessed weekend!
Thanks for coming by my blog for the blog party! Have a great weekend.
P.S. I just read your sidebar about your header photo. That's a great idea.
You seem like a lot of fun -- crunchy, diva, or not! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself and for stopping by Extravagant Grace. Anytime you want to talk design ideas for your blog, feel free to drop me an email at extragrace at gmail dot com. I'm happy to chat about it!
Hi Misty,
I am stopping by from The Ultimate Blog Party to check your blog out. What a great week we are in for!
Check out my place for your chance to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System. :)
The Divine Miss Mommy
Loved getting to know you!! And congrats on your baby on the way! I think we have a bit in common too. :-) I'm definitely a bit crunchy also, although I only learned that term pretty recently. Thanks for stopping by my place, I'm sure we'll meet again!
Hi Misty! I'm with you on the crunchy! After work I jump right into my baggy tee-shirt and baggy shorts. Makes it easier to do whatever around the house!
I know what you mean about resisting fabric, and the cost! I dig deep to avoid paying a lot. Check out my other blog for a post I did about finding fabric for crafts inexpensively.
I breastfed my kids, and used cloth diapers as well. Whatever works for you, is what is the best.
I'm glad I had a chance to meet you, I'll be back. God Bless!
I never thought of myself as crunchy - buy maybe I am... lol, don't tell my husband :D I am a recycling/reusing/repurposing nut, grow my own herbs, make my own compost, and I love love love saving money! Does that count? :)
If you have a friend nearby who sews other things but doesn't quilt (like me!), ask them if they'll share their scraps. I always have so many that I'll never use because they just aren't big enough for what I do, and I wish I had a friend who quilted so I could give my pile away!
Trust me, fabric can be an obsession, once you start, it's all over. If you visit my blog, you'll find out why I say that :)
Sound like we have lots in common. I'm a little crunchy too. Happy blog party week. Nice to me you. Hope you stop by my party too.
hooray for crunchy!
Happy UBP! :)
Hope you have a fabulous day!
Have a Happy 2nd Party Day !!
Just going from party to party to see how others are doing this blogging thing.
love the picture in your header,tried to google what orual is and it seems to be a character in a cs lewis book?...
My prize is #115 check it out!
Have a good weekend blog partyn’!
Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.
Love your picture at the top - how beautiful and meaningful!!
I want to invite you to stop by my blog - I write a lot of devotionals and Bible studies based on the Old Testament studies I teach, discuss Biblical womanhood and motherhood, and in general muse about how to Run the earth and watch the sky! :)
Happy UBP!
oh, and I love cloth diapering. ;)
Hi nice to meet you! Your fruit kabobs look yummy! Would be perfect for me. Hope you are having fun at the party! I would also like to invite you to participate in Show off your blog Saturday! I would love to read your favorite post! Never too late to link.
I love your blog! Thanks for having me!
Fruit was delish, thanks for inviting me to stop by your blog. It has been great fun, and my you are busy.
I am glad you have time to blog, because your blog is great.
Thanks again, Have fun!!! at the party. Stop by my blog for a chance at a Surprise Door Prize.
I would be happy to get that fruit looks good, this is my first blog party I have been blogging since December and loving it, Hope to make alot of new friends, love your blog Happy UBP!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog to say hi. Your blog is awesome! I enjoyed my visit and plan to stop by again soon. :-)
Take care!
I want to go to one of your dinner parties! :)
Hope you have a good week.
I just stopped by, blog hopping as part of UBP 2009. It is very nice to meet you. I have a blog at; It's a toddler learning blog. I'd love to have you for a visit! I am loving UBP! Have a magical day. I have a goal of trying to visit 150 blogs per day, whew! Let's hope the little one takes long naps for the next few days.
Wow you mommys don't play when y'all get to blogging huh?
just adding a comment as I am ready to herd onto this metal tube and climb into a chair that will fly across the sky :)
love you dearest one
crunchy - I like that !!!
just out party hopping - lovely to meet your blog
um, your fruit kabobs look delicious to me:) looks like great entertaining.
I am enjoying all these blogs. Yours is one of the best especially your graphics.
Happy blog party! I enjoy very much these blogs especially yours!
your blog is very helpful. I am really having fun looking at all these blogs
I am enjoying all these blogs. Yours is one of the best especially your graphics.
Happy blog party! I enjoy very much these blogs especially yours!
your blog is very helpful. I am really having fun looking at all these blogs
Stopping by to say HI from the UBP! Really enjoying your blog!
Nice to meet you! I came for the party. :) Your fruit looked really good, now I really want some!
Here comes the prize train....TOOT TOOT!!!! You're a winner, stay tuned!
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