Sunday, March 09, 2008

Pj's Party

We're continuing the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by the brilliant ladies of Five Minutes for Mom ( -- go check them out!), and I thought we'd do it right today... I baked chocolate chip cookies last night (some with nuts, some without), so we're going to have those for breakfast with a nice big, cold glass of milk (mine's gotta have ice in it!). And Bear is going to wear his PJ's today! no this does not mean I haven't done laundry.. I'm actually finally all caught up for the first time this week! What it does sort of mean is that it is freezing in the house and he refuses to wear shoes sometimes, so his footed sleepers are the only thing keeping his tootsies warm. And I'm one of those housewifes who has (gasp) "let herself go" by wearing lounge clothes all day most days!!! But it's PJ Day so today I'm allowed, and so are you! So grab a cup of your favorite potion, grab some cookies, and let's have fun continuing to meet all sorts of cool mamas!! Be sure to read my 100 things post to get to know me a little bit, and leave a comment so I can get to know you, too!


Knitting Mania said...

Misty...thanks for stopping by via by sis...nice to meet you. I'm headed back to your site to read all those things about you, what a good idea on how to share who you are.

Let's meet up again..blessings!

Stacey said...

What fun....I'd do PJ day if I didn't have to go out this morning as well! Happy blog party!

Michele @ Frugal Granola said...

Hi, Misty,
Thanks for visiting my blog! I've really enjoyed reading through yours. It does sound like we have a lot in common! (DH was reading over my shoulder, and started laughing, saying "That sounds familiar!"). :) Happy Blog Party!
Michele :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Thank you for the welcome to the blog party and the sweet note about my blog! I have been working my way through your blog for a while now (I think my husband is wondering where I am...and 'getting to know Misty' probably wouldn't make much sense to him!) I've giggled as I've read and will now head upstairs with a smile! Happy blog paryting. Hope to chat with you again!

craftymom said...

What a nice blog. I love wearing my pj's and having chocolate chip cookies and milk for breakfast! I love to knit as well. The 100 things about you were cute..very nice.

Please feel free to stop by my blog and check it out. I am also a knitter and totally enjoy it. I am on Ravely as well (Craftymom5). I am giving a door prize away on my blog, so be sure to leave a comment if you visit. It is a $15 Gift card from Joanns.

Hope you enjoy the party. Take care. I have added you to my bloglines and will be checking back often.

I have also donated a prize (135) for the whole party. Have a great time at the party.
Debi :)

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by!!! WOW, that is so cool you've been to Romania!!!! I would love to hear more about it :0)
Blessings and happy party hopping!!!

Tonya said...


I can't seem to get past that you said your Mom works at St. Jude. I guess I'm SHOCKED at what a small world it truly is. Brent was treated there at diagnosis and again when he relapsed. We only left a short while as a last attempt to save his life. (Kinda when St. Jude gave us no more hope) I have to tell you... he ABSOLUTELY LOVED that place! He'd walk around the house with a thermometer in his mouth claiming to have fever so that we'd take him back. LOL! He was SOOO CUTE! Would it be out of the way for me to ask who your Mom is? (And what department she works in?) I'm having fits with curiosity as to whether or not we know her. =-) St. Jude does have the MOST AMAZING people working there!

Okay... sorry, I got all excited when I read your comment. I love your blog and will be back by to visit soon. THANKS SO MUCH for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'm SO HAPPY to have met you. ;-)

Curiosity Killer said...

Oh I love your 100 things. I think it's so sweet that you and your triplet sisters are pregnant together!!

Enjoy the party and see you around!

Anonymous said...

okay, I'm trying this again bc I just got the weirdest message so my apologies if this comes through twice...

So happy you stopped by my blog bc NO ONE ever knows where I live! It is great to hear that others have ventured through my hood! I love the area.

and I totally agree on the cookies. I love the homemade ones though when they are not totally baked all the way and get sorta gooey... oh so yummy!

Michelle said...

I too where my jammies most days quite a bit! I'm needing to get out of that habit. I actually mentioned that on my blog today too. Which btw, you've been tagged, so check out my blog.

Kellie said...

How lucky am I? I came home from work around 4:30 and immediately put the pj's and house shoes big girl shoes were killing my feet! ANYWAY I get all pj & ponytailed up to find out your having a PJ party! WooHoo!

I'll have my cookies w/o the nuts, please.

Kellie said...

Oh and Kiddie Lit... Johnny Tremain is one of my all time favorites! You should check out a copy of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. Sweet, sweet story(nothing like Johnny Tremain, but wonderful just the same).

I meant to tell you that in my last comment but I got distracted by talk of cookies.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Read over your 100 things. Yes, the Princess Bride does rock the house.

faithful chick

Milk Mama said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thank you for commenting on my post about my daughter. I felt very nostalgic last night lol. :)

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Hi there... nice to meet you... have a great day... party hearty... take care and don't be a stranger... from an Aussie in the US who loves photography and travelling...