Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Commercial break

Just kidding-it's not a commercial, but that's what I kept thinking when I thought of starting this post off with "I'm going to interrupt my series with an Easter post..." I am going to finish the Managing Chaos posts, though, but I'd mentioned this particular "tutorial" to a friend via email, and she wanted pictures and the like, so I figured I'd post here so others could do it if they wanted to as well.

When I lived with Meg, one of the things I loved was learning various traditions she'd taught her boys, and I think besides the Jesse Tree ornaments, this one is my favorite. It is a tactile and visual version of the Easter story, and it works kind of like doing an Advent calendar in that you open an egg a day for the 12 days before Easter. Since today is the first of April, I'm late in getting this out there, but my kids are still a bit too young for this project so I'm saving up for next year.

Without further ado....

Oh, and sorry for the shabby picture. It's from my cell phone and on a spread out t-shirt with lots of shadows. Oops. The back row is eggs 1-7; front row eggs 8-12. The little brown papers inside the eggs have the corresponding verse for reading aloud together (and conveniently on the back it lists the objects and egg number in case things get mixed up). This set is one that Meg made for me before I left, and the asterisk denotes things that Meg actually made herself as opposed to using an actual object or prop.

1. Luke 19:29-40 (colt and palm frond*)

2. Luke 22: 14-20 (loaf of bread and cup)

3. Matthew 26:14-16 (30 pieces of silver)

4. Luke 22:39-51 (sword)

5. John 19:1-16 (purple robe/cloth*, crown of thorns*, and I also have the vinegar swabbed stick* that was offered to Jesus)

6. Mark 14:66-72 (rooster)

7. Luke 23:33-44 (cross*, 3 nails)

8. Matthew 27:35-37 and 27:45-48 (black cloud*, dice)

9. Matthew 27:57-66 (stone)

10. John 20:1-10 (burial cloths*)

11. Luke 24:1-9 (nothing for the empty tomb)

12. Acts 1:1-11 (cotton cloud* and silver cloth* for shekinah glory)

I hope someone else is inspired by this fun and inspiring little project, and if you do one, please let me know! Also, if you have questions about what materials were used in these eggs or how Meg made them, leave a comment and I'll get back to you, but despite my fuzzy picture I do think by reading the verses and seeing the correct object, you could easily come up with your own ideas!


Elizabeth said...

Normally I don't like commercial breaks, but I liked yours!

I love this idea, and every year I intend to do something but then I get sidetracked and it never happens. Anyway, I would love to know more about how to do this. Since my big kids are older I can definitely use the verses and improvise on the eggs. I just want them to approach Easter with a sense of trepidation because Jesus' death was horrible, but I want them also to truly grasp the awesomeness of the resurrection. Tell me more!